Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Flower Monster

My mother got me this amaryllis flower kit, she said it was really easy, didn't even have to water it. I said ooook....

I watered it once and after like 3 weeks it looked like this! Zach said he was scared of it, I told him it will bloom on Christmas into a pretty flower. He said no it's gonna open on Christmas and EAT US! I told him just to wait and see :) I was kinda curious myself to what it was going to look flower? two flowers? what color?.....

a few days later it revealed what color it was going to be...RED!

And a few days after that I woke up one morning to a surprise of not one ,but THREE BIG RED FLOWERS! With another little bud that hasn't bloomed yet down in the lower right corner. Zach was re leaved.:) and Luke looks at it and says ohhh nice :). What a fun easy thing to do. Thanks mom.