Saturday, November 29, 2008

I ♥ this FaMiLy

I often Look forward to Monday nights when my favorite show is on, Jon & Kate Plus 8 on TLC. i know i don't know them personally, but i feel like i do. just from wathching the show and watchin all those litte tikes interact with eachother, makes watching it all worth my while. Kate is always saying she wants to do things with there family that any other family would do. And they DO IT! the took all 8 kids on a plane to Utah for a skiing trip! They also took a road trip to Disney Land! All i gotta say is, they have got PATIENCE! They also have a book out, i just might have to read that one :).I encourge you to watch it sometime. Believe me, it will leave you in Ah.

1 comment:

yvonne said...

nice first entry...keep them coming.