Sunday, December 20, 2009

A little Elf came to visit...

So this morning me and LukeBoy went to church and sat with Kelly, Nathan, and my mom. Luke was acting like he had 3 cups of coffee! He was all over the pew!

When I came home I went in the living room and looked at our Christmas tree, since it's kinda the focal point of our living room at the moment. And I saw this hanging from the tree. I said ahhhh whats this? Zach said oh an elf must of came and put that there. I said yea he must of, because you sure can't wrap gifts like that ... he replays with " don't under estimate my wrapping skills !"

Later me and Zach made the gingerbread house, our family tradition every Christmas. And when Luke woke up from his nap he sure wanted to try it!...

1 comment:

yvonne said...

wonder what the "elf" brought?!!!:)